Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Up comming Anniversary!!

Our 4 year anniversary is comming up soon. Here is a little survey I wanted to fill out and share with ya:
1. How long did you date before you were engaged? 6 months

2. How long was your engagement? 2 1/2 years

3. How long have you been married? The 8th of April will be 4 years.

4. What is your anniversary? April 08, 2006

5. How many people came to your wedding reception? about 25 or 30– very small.

6. Where was your wedding? Berry Bible Missionary Church

7. How many people were in your bridal party? 3 for me and 4 for the Husband

8. Are you still friends with them all? Yea. They were all family.

9. Did you or your spouse cry during the ceremony? Umm, no. Neithe one of us cried during the ceremony. Joseph cried as I was walking up the isle and I cried as we were walking down the isle after the wedding was over..

10. Most special moment of your wedding day? Idk what Joe's speical moment was but mine was when he gave my sister a gift to give me. When I opened it, I found a necklace and 2 braclets that Joseph had made for me the night b4 to wear. They were beautiful..

11. Any funny moments? Na..

12. Any big disasters? Not really, but I personally considered my brides mades dresses a disaster.

13. Describe your wedding dress: Spaghette straps and made of chaffon

14. Where did you go on your honeymoon? We really didnt go anywhere. We just went to T-Town and rented a hotel because at the time we were living with my granny..

15. How long were you gone? Just over night.

16. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change? This is tricky. Joseph and I paid for our wedding so it certainly wasn’t as classy or upscale as I would like now, but I also didn’t care about that stuff to much. I was the least bridezilla you ever saw and let people do what they wanted. But since you asked . . . .
a. I hated the bridesmaids dresses. They colors were right, and the design was right, but she used a different kind of material that she was supposed to. It was horrible.
b. I probably would’ve invited more people. I thank I missed a few people I would’ve liked to have there.
c. I didn’t love the pics. I asked my Aunt Kathy to be the photographer and she just mainly lined us up and took pics. Nothing really pretty. :(
d. The church was sentimental, but it was an old country church and didn’t have the nicest decor. I still wouldn’t change it due to sentimental reasons that Joseph was raised up in that church.

17. Greatest strength as a couple? We’re completely immature around each other. We act crazy, but we like it that way. Can I use that as our strength..lol

18. Greatest challenge as a couple? Yikes! Me having PCOS, so I guess Infertility!!

19. Who literally pays the bills? Well, Joseph's money pays the bills, but I am the one that writes the checks out, get's online and pays by debit, and goes to pay them so we both play a part in that one..lol

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