Monday, March 15, 2010

Should DH and I become Foster Parents???? :P

It's 2a.m. on a Monday morning. I know I should be sleeping because I have to get up at 20 til 5, but I just have alot I wanna talk about. I took a nap earlier, so I'm not a bit sleepy. I am sitting in bed beside Joseph and I have realized how BLESSED I truly am. I have a wonderful husband that loves me SOOOO much. He provides me with everything I need and could possible want. He isn't out cheating on me, like most folks around here So why do I still feel ALONE and saddened at times?

I get to reading all of these infirtility blogs and how they struggle for years and finally become mommy's and daddy's either through childbirth or adoption. I would love to do either one. Which ever one God has in store for me. I just fear that I will NEVER be called mommy. I know several people that have not been able to be blessed with children either. I just can't except that. I HAVE to be a mommy. I have had a conversation with a dear friend that has adopted 2 precious little boys, brothers, and are currently being a foster mother to a young teen mom and her less than a year old baby girl. She was trying to talk to me about becomming a foster parent. I just don't believe I can do that.
My reasonings are:
1.You eventually have to give then child/ren back to their biological parents
2.I just can't see putting my heart out there for another dissappointment/heartbreak.
I guess that's not many reason's but, that's enough for me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I would love to help children, be a place that a needy child could call home for a few days/weeks, but that is also lots of feelings that will go along with it. I have called our local DHR and recieved a huge folder about foster parenting and adoption. I have read some of it but not it all. That is what has got me to thanking about the good and bad of it. Since I have posted my reasonings for NOT wanting to become a foster parent, here are some of my reason's to consider it.
My reasonings are:
1.Have a child in my home.
2.Being able to provide a place for a needy child to call home for the short length of time.
3.Hopeful chance to adopt.
4.Hopefully fill the emptiness in my heart for a child of my own.
That is all I can thank of right on the spot. I guess there are more good reasons that bad ones. I guess I should finish reading those papers and give it a bit more thought. Idk..

1 comment:

  1. That is something that I have thought a lot about too. I know nothing about being a foster parent but if I were you I would take to DHR and see if you can limit the children't placement to only mom's who have permanently given up their children before. I don't know if you can do that, but I would def. ask. Dustin and I haven't talked about fostering much but who knows what the future holds. One thing I do say to do is "PRAY ABOUT IT". See what God has to say about it. James 1:27
    "Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
