Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Our first snow.

March 1, 2009 was our frist snow since we have been together. It was awsome. We played outside with Rowdy. He didn't know what to thank about it. He was so little in the snow. It was like he was having to leap like a rabbit of something. It was thick for him. Joseph had a snowball fight with him. He was throwing snowballs and hitting him. It was making me mad. What if it hurt my baby?
The Earls clan came over to play in the snow with us. The kids made it much more fun. We found a piece of the lawn mower and used it to slide down the hill in the back yard. They had a blast. On this last pic, you can see Jessica rolling on the ground. She was pushing the girls on that lawn mower part and she fell. It was soo funny. She laughed with

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