Sunday, March 7, 2010

From my Kitchen to Urs!!

1. Do you have magnets on your fridge? Yes, to many probably.
2. Do you have a calendar in the kitchen and if so, what is it's theme? Yes and it's called The Pourpose Driven Life.
3. What is your favorite kitchen gadget or tool? My Paula Dean Knife set.
4. Are you lucky enough to have a pantry of some kind? Not really. It's just three cabinets that stack on top of one another.
5. What is your favorite appliance? My dishwasher.
6. Do you have an eat in kitchen? Yes. I just have a small bar like table.
7. Do you have a bread box? Nope
8. Do you have a picture of your kids on the fridge? No just a couple of pictures other peoples kids!
9. Do you ever cook breakfast in your pjs? Most of the time I cook breakfast Im in my pjs!
10. Do you have a favorite cookbook? Yep, Paula Deen.
11. Are you lucky enough to have recipes that were passed down from your mom and grandma? No.
12. What's your favorite food? Here lately it is Chinese.
13. What's your favorite thing to cook? Don't really have a favorite.
14. Is your coffee pot electric or stove top? Electric
15. Do you make your own bread? Nope.
16. Name one thing you have hanging on the wall in your kitchen. Picture
17. Is there a clock in your kitchen? Digital ones on appliances.
18. Do you have a bowl of fruit on your table or counter? Nope..I have already ate it all.
19. What type of canisters do you have? Tupperware white with red tops.
20. Does your kitchen have a theme? Red
21. What's for supper tonight? Grilled Porckchops and HB's at my sisters.
22. Do you have enough cabinet space? I dont know that you ever have enough cabinet space...or is it that you collect too much stuff over time??
23. Does your family use paper plates? Yea, sometimes.
24. Do you have a good set of china packed up? no
25. Do you wear an apron to work in the kitchen? Ok yes I have worn an apron on certain occasions! I know I am not the only one!
26. Name one thing you would change about your kitchen if you could. I would just like to make it bigger and paint.

Join me in sharing about your kitchen!

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