Tuesday, December 14, 2010


 When Joseph and I came home from work yesterday, this is what we found.  2 1/2 rolls of toilet paper destroyed thoughout our livingroom and kitchen.  Little Miss Maggie Mae had her a blast im assuming.  lol
 Obviously she wasn't through because she was playing in it while her daddy was cleaning it up.  He wasn't a happy camper either.  He wanted to spank her but, of course, Mommy didn't allow that.  :)
 Look going into the kitchen.  Just a mess.  I know I probably should have let him spank her but I can't stand it.  She's my angel and I don't like to hurt her feelings and that's exactly what would have happened. 
 I don't think you see a smile on Joseph face.  He was ready to beat her by the time this mess was all cleaned up.  Bless her little heart.  Now on this next ordeal, I came very close to spanking her.  She destroyed my rug.  My personally made rug.  UGH!! 
 Just look at that.  If she tares up something else like this she will her her butt spanked.  I sat her down and told her her consequences of doing this again.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Been here before! That's a puppy for ya! Try having 2! Ours even chewed the corners of the walls! Yea I def gave mine a spanking! Lol! The fun has only began hun!
