Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Life changing decisions....

It has been a little over a week now since we have recieved our life changing news.  We may have a chance to adopt a baby..  :)  Here goes.
        Last Tuesday, December 21, 2010, about 9p.m., I recieved a phone call from my cousin.  She informed me she had just left Tuscaloosa DCH with our cousins baby.  She had gotten the phone call from DHR about Fostering baby Caleb.  When he was born just 4 days earlier, he had several different drugs in his system.  When it had came time for the parents to take him home from the hospital, they were drug tested and of cource they failed it.  :(   Therefore DHR was called.  Needless to say, Victoria took him so he didn't have to go into a strangers home because he was our family.
        Other than Caleb being a drug baby, he is also a dwarf.  Because of his mothers choice of drugs he will have this life long problem.  Caleb is still having withdrawals from the drugs his "birth  mother" pumped into his system, which is sooo sad.  :(  I just don't understand how a mother can do that to their baby..  :( 
        So now Joseph and I are in a horrible place for decisions.  We have been being told how they are wanting us to adopt this baby and how they know how God has put Caleb on Earth for us.  Now, they are changing their minds.  We are soo upset.  I have decided on other plans.  :(  Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Ok...i'm crying now! It is such a hard decision to make when thinking about adoption. But just follow your heart. If you want a child of your own NEVER give up fighting!
