Monday, June 3, 2013

37w6d Dr. Appointment.

This morning I was beyond exhausted.  I wasn't gonna get up with Joe but he was running late and he couldn't find his wallet, knife, or his phone clip.  He was aggravated so he woke me up to help find it. Seeing how I was waken up from a dead sleep, I was of no help.

Rikki text me about 9 this AM.  She is still only 1cm dilated and 75% effaced.  That kinda stinks.  I was hoping she had dilated more but she's not.  Guess we gotta wait another week or so.  haha.  She goes back next Tuesday,  June 11 at 10am.

After talking to Rikki, I had to get up and get me and Maggie ready to head to the vet for her recheck appointment.  She done real good.  Her booboo's looks much better.

It's not red which lets you know the infection is under control and isn't irritated.  I can't stand it when my babies don't feel good.  Definitely thankful for Dr. Kimbrell.  She's good.  :))  Here are a few pictures of Maggie waiting in the room on Dr. to come in.
Isn't she just a little beauty??  I sure think so.  :))  Her dress says it right.  All about the princess.

After leaving the vet we stopped by Critters and dropped off some of the things I want monogrammed for Emma.  I get to pick them up Friday.  I can't wait to see what they look like.

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