Friday, March 25, 2011

Behind again!!

I promise, I'm gonna trt and stay caught up this time.  lol 

On February 23, we were awakend to an ambulance call. Jospeh's daddy had gotten sick and passed out in the bathroom.  It was awful.  This was the second time this had happened, and of course, both times they couldn't find out what was wrong.  I just don't understand what the deal is.  Something has to be wrong for him to pass out and not even know hes in the world. 

Oh, It's now March.  My how the time has flown already.  Not really done much.  On March 3rd, Lots of things went down.  lol  It was a sad day, kinda, BUT I over looked my emotions and made it a good one.  On this day, I had lost my virginity 11 years ago to a guy who is now a registered sex offender.  :(  Makes me sick.  Anyway, I got up and got ready for a busy day.  Took Maggie for her hair cut.  Her surgery was in 2 weeks.  Then came back to Berry and had our Girls Day at Kaylas.  She made some YUMMY lunch!  :)  After visiting awhile and eating lunch, I had to leave and pick my girl up.  I was a little upset, because she was cut shorter than I had wanted.  ALL her long hair was gone.  :(  It's still a little hard to sink in.  After picking Maggie up, I had to run to Jasper to pay some bills and run to the pet store.  MY FAV STORE EVER!!!

My honey is such a big ole kid.  I was at work on 03-04 and my hubby came to eat lunch with me.  Little did I know he was going to buy a Wii while in town.  He is a BRAT!!  lol  I am soo glad he bought it because he and I are addicted.  lol

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the pet store too! So fun and the pups get to go in too!! Mine love it!
