Friday, March 25, 2011

I know their really is a GOD...

I know their really is a GOD, but, I just wish he would come out and make me understand some things. PREGNANCY..It is a wonderful thing. It is what makes and breaks women and familys. Some women who can't have children, seem to stray away from their husband, resulting in fussing and fighting all the time. For example, ME!! I can't concieve, so therefore, I NEVER want to have sex. In my opinion, I believe that's what sex if for..To concieve a child and make your family grown. With that not a possibility in my household, I see no use. I'm fine with not being able to concieve. What upsets me the worst, is when others are pregnant and it was a, "UH OH" or their pregnancy results in an abortion. This is where this bolg entry comes into effect. This is where I start to question GOD!!

This girl, gonna call her Jane Doe, is pregnant. She works in the Deli so I sometimes work with her. When she started back in December, she told us all she was pregnant. I didn't know the dark story she had hidden down inside until about a week ago. I just can't fathom it. This is gonna turn into a long story and you may not have the same opinion as me, but, this is my blog and I can say what I want. Well, here goes her story. Jane Doe is due on May 1, 2011. Only just a few more weeks to go. U can barely even tell she is pregnant. That's a good thing because NONE of her family knows she pregnant. That's right..U heard me correct. NONE of her family knows she pregnant!! U wanna know why??? Because she is gonna SELL her baby when it's born and she knows her mother wouldn't allow it. Can you believe that????? I made her repeat herself about 10 times to me. I think she got mad at me but I don't care. To top it off, the father doesn't want the baby either. When she told him she was pregnant, he told her to "get rid of it"!! How can you say that about your own flesh and blood baby? I just don't understand. She still smokes. She still bar hopps. She has a 4 year old little girl that her mom has custody of. She signed her rights away on her because Jane Doe's dad was about to die so when he died, the little girl could draw a check off of him. Isn't that the most rediclous thing you have EVER heard??? Jane Doe lives with her mom as of now and wears big and baggy clothes to hid this from her. She has just put in, @ Walmart, for a transfer to the Jasper store because she is moving in with her friend b4 she has the baby. Not only is she keeping the pregnancy from her mom, she is also gonna keep it from her little girl FOREVER! That's right, she isn't EVER gonna tell them she was pregnant and had a baby. That little girl will never know she has a brother in this world. It's sooo sad. :( So, to make a long story short, I have to question GOD!! HOW can you let people like this get the blessing of pregnancy and motherhood??? Get everyting I want. To be pregnant, to hear your babies heart beat for the first time, to feel him/her kick, to get to calculate every month and the chance to take pictures of your growing belly, to experience giving birth, and holding your baby for the first time. I don't understand, God! Please feel free to help me to understand how come some women have that oppurtunity and doesn't even want/enjoy it but there a a million women like me that would cherrish every second of heart burn, morning sickness, nausia, weight gain...etc!!! Well, I have vented to you. I hope to hear your opinion of this story as well. I've held this in and haven't told anyone yet so I feel like I have let a load off. lol So until next time...PEACE!! lol

1 comment:

  1. That's a hard story to listen to but always remember that God doesn't want to let this happen, the devil has control too and the world is full of SIN!!! I cant say that i haven't asked the WHY questions to God because i have but the reality is we will never know why but just because we don't know the answer doesn't mean that it doesn't have a purpose. God lets everything happen for a reason!
