Monday, August 1, 2011

Tanner Time. HEHE!

We had such a great day yesterday.  Joe and I both woke up in a pretty good mood so I cooked us a good ole breakfast.  I made me fried eggs, sausage, grits, and toast and made my fat daddy BLT's.  lol  He's spoiled.  We just laid around watching tv, Joe played video games and I surfed the web.  At 12, we went to Joe's parents for lunch.    He took his Baja,( gas powered dunebuggy), over there to play with.  It was sooooo hot.  Joe's son and his son's sister came home with us. 

When we got here, Joe got his AR15 out to show Chase.  Chase LOVED it.  It's so heavy he barely couldn't hold it.  HEHE! 
Chase was dancing to "pants on the ground"!  HAHA!

Chase and Joseph Tanner.
{I love my boys} 
BAHAHAHA....This pic is so funny.  We have been talking about Chase having a bubble butt.  Well, he was letting me know he has one just like his daddy!  HAHA

This is little Miss Hailey.  We went outside for her a photo shoot.  This is how she posed for a pic for her daddy.  :))

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