Sunday, September 2, 2012

Yorkie June Birthday's.

Boy was June a VERY busy month for our little family.  Maggie Mae turned 2 on June 12th.....Which is also my Mom's birthday.  We had a little party for her.  I still can't believe my baby is 2 already.  My how the time flies.

Maggie in her 1st year of life.  Her looks has changed so much.

Maggie's second year of life.  I just love her long hair.  Beautiful.

My 2 year old sweet baby girl.  Saying she is beautiful is a total understatement.  :))

Yummy cup cake mommy.

Sweet baby girls.  I made there outfits.  :)

Mommy, I love my chew toy.

Mommy and the birthday girl.

On June 22, 20012, Sophia turned 1.  Tears sure did flow.  My last baby I'll ever have is already 1 years old.

Sophia's first year pictures up to 10 months old.

Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl.  Mommy loves you to the moon and back.

LOVE her birthday outfit from auntie Vickie.  :)

Sophia's 1 year and Maggie's 2 year picture together.

Mommy with the Birfday girl.  :)  She's so tiny.


Earls girls and the Tanner girls.

Mommy and daddy with the sweet Tanner girls.

I just know my sweet girls had wonderful birthday parties.  :))

Mother's Day 2012

For Mother's Day 2012, I carried my Mom out to eat for her first time at O'Charley's.  She loved it.  My friend and her kids were in Tuscaloosa also she she came to eat with us.

My Mom and I on Mother's Day 2012

My BFF and I.

My sweet Blakely.  I love him so much.

Walk around the park.

No better way to end the month of May than to take a walk at the park with my sweet nieces, precious furbutts, and my lovely Mom.  We had such a great day.  Not really gonna talk much just show you some pictures of that day.
Jeslyn walking Sophia
Hannah walking Maggie.  
I'm so glad Jeslyn and Hannah help me out so much with my "furbutts"!!

While walking around the trail, I just had to stop and get a pictures of both my sweet girls.
They were hot so they wouldn't stick there tongues back in there mouths.  Don't worry.....They had plenty of water to drink.

Beautiful babies watching the waterfall.  So sweet!!!

Hannah and Jeslyn holding
Maggie and Sophia.

Earls girls, Tanner girls, and I.  HEHE!!

My mother and I.

I love it.  Crazy girls.

After our walk at the park we decided to stop by my friend Eyvonne's house to let her see the girls.
Sophia didn't know what to think about Eyvonne's dog Peppie. :)

Both my sweet girls.

Eyvonne wants Maggie and Peppie to marry.  Looks like Maggie is excited about that.  HEHE!